
Showing posts from September, 2022

How Jesus Has Been Working in My Life - Patience and Anxiety

          Over the past year, God has taught me patience and how to be less anxious. It has been a challenge learning this because my standards for myself are high. Although this is not wrong, having these standards can cause anxiety in my life. Being impatient and having anxiety have caused some challenges in my life, but the Lord has been working on my heart. For today's blog, I am sharing how the Lord has been working on my patience through school.           Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to honor God with my life. Whether glorifying God is through my major, friends, or other aspects of life, it matters to me. The desire I have to honor God is not wrong and is what He wants me to do according to 1 Corinthians 10:31. Where I am wrong is not having patience and having anxiety when school is not going well. What I mean by this is when I try my best, do all I need to do, and do not make the best grades, I am hard on myself. Although I am doing what I can to be the A

Let God Shine Through You! - Sharing God through your actions and words.

          Howdy, howdy y’all! I'm glad to be back from the short hiatus. Lately, I have been having some technical difficulties, and haven't been able to focus on blogging.  For today's blog, I am going to share how I let God shine in my life, and how you can let him shine in your life.  There is more than one way to reflect God in your life. Two ways I will describe how I have reflected God in my life, and how you can reflect him is through your actions and words. Actions and words are important for a christian to be aware of because what they do can be Biblical or not Biblical. This can also determine if a person sees Christ in the person or not. Anyway, lets get started.           One of the ways to I reflect Christ is through 1 Corinthians 13. 1 Corinthians 13 is the love passage. If a person does not love, all that he or she does means nothing (verses 1-3). The passage also goes through what love looks like. A description of love would be "suffers long and is kind