
Showing posts from March, 2023

Spring Break!!

          Howdy everyone! Recently, I was on spring break. My break was super enjoyable. First, my family and I went to the beach, which was fun, and then spent time at home, which was relaxing. I’m super thankful I have a spring break so I could have some time away from school to rest. Without further ado, here is my experience during spring break.       The first thing I did to kick off the break was going to Galveston Island. Going to the island was super relaxing and enjoyable! I went surfing for two days, and my family went to several restaurants. Here are a few pictures of me in a wetsuit, the beach, and a meal we had at a restaurant we have never been to.           The last thing before I left Galveston was photography. I am currently compiling some of my best photos and putting a book together (stay tuned for updates).           For the rest of the week, I rested. Recently, I finished Stephine Meyer's New Moon and started reading Eclipse. I have been enjoying this series, b

How To Come Closer To God - Life, Travel, and Jesus

    Howdy! Over the past few years, I have come closer to God. Coming closer to the creator of the universe over the years has been wonderful. One of the things I have found in coming closer to God is that I see things differently. I have hope and a future in Christ. Here is how I have come closer to Christ, and how coming closer to Christ has changed my life.   Drawing near God is vital. James 4:7-8 says: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God, and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." When drawing near God, we must resist the devil, and He will come closer to us. This looks like cleansing our hearts and changing our hearts. Coming closer to God does not mean living in our old ways (sin) with the devil, but doing what the Lord has commanded us to do in His word. Romans 12:2 affirms this.     Romans 12:2 says: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world