
Showing posts from April, 2023

Reflecting Upon My Junior Year! How God Pulled Me Through.

          Howdy everyone! As the 2022-2023 school year ends, I wanted to share what I have reflected on. In the past year, so much has happened, from making straight A's again to learning more about myself and God. Although there were tough times, I am super joyful for the growth that occurred in my life. Here is my junior year reflection.           T he start of junior year was a little rough. Starting the semester, I was anxious about school. I knew I would take the Texas PPR exam in the coming subsequent semester, and I wanted to excel. Throughout the semester, I worked smart on learning the content so I could do more than pass the upcoming exam. As the semester went on, my hard work started to pay off. I was doing well in school, and I became less anxious. There was no reason for me to be worried from the start, because God placed me here with purpose, and He would never let me down. At this moment, I learned I need to be doing better in trusting God (Proverbs 3:5). One verse t

The Reason for Easter! A Reflection on Easter Weekend - Life, Travel and Jesus

          Howdy everyone! My family and I have always participated in the Easter holiday. When I was a child, I remember going on Easter egg hunts with my sister and cousins. Even at my university, we have yearly Easter egg hunts. Although the holiday nowadays is associated with egg hunts and a bunny, there is a deeper meaning. The real reason behind Easter is Jesus.           Jesus is the savior of the world. He is God's son, born of the virgin Mary. Before Jesus was born, prophets like Isaiah had predicted His coming (Isaiah 7:14). We started to see the fulfillment of the prophecies when Gabriel, an angel, came to Mary and told her that she conceived a Son. Gabriel told Mary to name Him Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). Jesus "committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth," (1 Peter 2:22). During His journey on earth, Jesus had 12 disciples who He led closer to God. Over the years, Jesus built relationships with His disciples. During conversations with His disciples, Jesu