The Reason for Easter! A Reflection on Easter Weekend - Life, Travel and Jesus

        Howdy everyone! My family and I have always participated in the Easter holiday. When I was a child, I remember going on Easter egg hunts with my sister and cousins. Even at my university, we have yearly Easter egg hunts. Although the holiday nowadays is associated with egg hunts and a bunny, there is a deeper meaning. The real reason behind Easter is Jesus.

        Jesus is the savior of the world. He is God's son, born of the virgin Mary. Before Jesus was born, prophets like Isaiah had predicted His coming (Isaiah 7:14). We started to see the fulfillment of the prophecies when Gabriel, an angel, came to Mary and told her that she conceived a Son. Gabriel told Mary to name Him Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). Jesus "committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth," (1 Peter 2:22). During His journey on earth, Jesus had 12 disciples who He led closer to God. Over the years, Jesus built relationships with His disciples. During conversations with His disciples, Jesus mentioned He would be the atonement for everyone's sins (Mark 9:30-32). Then, the appointed time came for Jesus to give His life to everyone. John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes can have eternal life." Jesus did not stay in the grave. He rose again after three days (Romans 6:9 and Luke 24:6-7). Jesus giving us life is the reason for easter. God wants you to be with Him and His Son, so He gave His Son for us to be with Him. There is so much joy in knowing and having a relationship with God. If you have questions about God, please feel free to leave questions below or click the link below and talk to someone about God today. 
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        I hope this message has positively impacted you. Jesus loves you so much, and God wants a relationship with you. If you have questions please leave a comment or call the Christian hotlines linked above. Thank you for reading my blog; God bless.



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