Reflecting Upon My Junior Year! How God Pulled Me Through.

        Howdy everyone! As the 2022-2023 school year ends, I wanted to share what I have reflected on. In the past year, so much has happened, from making straight A's again to learning more about myself and God. Although there were tough times, I am super joyful for the growth that occurred in my life. Here is my junior year reflection. 
        The start of junior year was a little rough. Starting the semester, I was anxious about school. I knew I would take the Texas PPR exam in the coming subsequent semester, and I wanted to excel. Throughout the semester, I worked smart on learning the content so I could do more than pass the upcoming exam. As the semester went on, my hard work started to pay off. I was doing well in school, and I became less anxious. There was no reason for me to be worried from the start, because God placed me here with purpose, and He would never let me down. At this moment, I learned I need to be doing better in trusting God (Proverbs 3:5). One verse that helped me is Joshua 1:9 "For have I commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 
        Toward the end of my first semester as a junior, I had a bug situation in my dorm. The change resulted in me having to change rooms for a good chunk of the end of the semester. Being in a different room without my suitemate was difficult for me. Anxiety had crept back into my life, and I started experiencing insomnia. Never in my life had I experienced anything like this. The transition from my dorm to upstairs was so quick and unexpected, that I had a hard time processing the situation. Eventually, the bugs were gone and I was able to go back to my room. My sleep gradually started improving, and my anxiety levels went down. This is a blessing that I was able to move past this. God came into my life and was able to resolve this situation for me, and I am so grateful for this.
        This semester has been a rough one as well. At the beginning of the semester, I was diagnosed with bronchitis. I was very sick and had a lingering cough. On top of this, my grandmother, who had lived with us for several years, had died. Unable to attend her funeral because I was sick. I was left heartbroken because I loved her deeply. Again, God pulled me through this tough season in life. I recovered from bronchitis and mourned the loss of my grandmother. 
        The last major thing this semester was taking my practice PPR exams. This was difficult for me because although I have only made all A's except for one B in the school of education at my university, I have been unable to pass my practice PPR exams. I have always strived to excel in school, and not being able to pass was difficult for me. Some of the steps I took to do well were to study early in December (this was optional since the class started in January), ask former professors for help, and listen to the advice my professor for the PPR gave me. Trying to pass has been a long journey. I have hit many lows during this time, but every time God has come through and helped me back on my feet. Now, I am seven points from passing my university practice exam. God has blessed me so much during this time. I realized God is going to get me through to where I needed to be.
        Despite the hardships of this semester, I have had good times as well. I went to two formals, continued this blog, went to a few birthday and engagement parties, and so much more. God has blessed me so much this semester, and I give all the glory to Him. I definitely could have not done this journey alone. God is great in so many ways. 
        That is all for today's blog. I hope you enjoyed reading my reflection, and how God helped me through the lowest points in the semester. He is truly amazing. Thank you for reading, hang loose, and God bless!


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