What's Been Going On! A Life Update.

Howdy, everyone! It's been a while since I posted on my blog. From school to events, I have not been able to focus on my blog. This has led me to the decision of posting a blog bi-monthly or monthly instead of every week. For today's blog, I am going to catch everyone up on what I've been doing.

     Over the past two months in school, I have held two jobs and maintained straight A's. These are huge accomplishments and blessings from God. One job is at a local Church working with children, and one is working at my University's game room. I enjoy working two jobs and want to continue working two because of the hours I have and because of the people I interact with. Working in the game room, I can work on homework and do my job. Maintaining straight A's and maintaining two jobs can be hard sometimes. Some days I have to rush from office hours (tutoring for college students) to my job in the game room, or sometimes I won't be able to study with friends during the day. Despite minor challenges, I still can do both. Maintaining all A's is not hard for me, because I can work while working on my game room job, and I put a lot of effort into my work. Working at my Church is mostly on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. Recently I resigned from this job because I believe the Lord is telling me to take a break from a second job and rest. Hopefully, I will be able to find a new second job in the future.

     Recently, I have been attending a different church than the one I usually go to on Sundays on Wednesday nights. I have been attending for the past 8 Wednesday nights and I really enjoy the small group. The small college group I am in makes me feel connected. Also, this past month, I attended a barre class I really enjoyed it. I will continue attending the barre class in addition to my regular workouts.

     Other than a few minor changes in my life, I have not had much change this past month. I am thankful to be sharing a life update with you all. If you have any blog suggestions, let me know in the comments below. Do not forget to like and subscribe to my blog! Hang loose!

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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