
Showing posts from December, 2022

New Year, New Goals! My two new goals for the 2023 year.

       Howdy, everyone! For today's blog, I will be sharing my goals for the new year. Although I can set goals at any time of the year, I wanted to start this year differently. There are some things I need to work on so I can be a better version of myself. With that being said, here are my goals for the new year.      My first goal is to come closer to God. God is the Lord of my life. He has done so much for me, and I love Him. One way I want to grow closer to God is by learning how to trust Him more. I am not perfect in trust, so I would like to learn how to come closer by trusting Him more. Another way I would like to come closer to God is by learning scripture. Doing this will help me come closer to God by allowing me to know Him better, and helping me trust in Him more.      Goal number two for this year is to have less stress about school. I have always been on top of my grades, which is not a bad thing, but I can also become too bogged down in school. Being too bogged down w

The Reason For The Season - A Savior is Born

       Howdy, everyone! As you probably know from my previous blogs, I am a Christian. God is the center of my life. I am ecstatic about Christmas day, and that is because it is the birth of Jesus Christ. For this blog, I will be retelling the birth of Jesus. The passage I will be telling you the story from is Luke 1 and 2. Anyway, let's jump into the real reason for the holiday.      The first part of the story shares the foretelling of John the Baptist's birth. John's parents are Elizabeth and Zechariah. Zechariah, a priest, was told by an angel named Gabriel, that Elizabeth had conceived a child. At first, he doubted the angel, because both he and Elizabeth were old. Then, the angel, Gabriel, commanded Zechariah to be silent because of his disbelief. Then, the angel left. After Zechariah came out of the temple, everyone inside the temple wondered why he did not speak. Then, the people in the temple realized he had a vision. Some time passed, and Elizabeth discovered that

Last Minute Gifting Guide 🎄9 Gifts To Give This Season

        Howdy, everyone! Christmas is right around the corner, and I am ecstatic! What I love about this season is cooler weather, Christmas parties, and most importantly, celebrating the birth of my Lord Jesus Christ. Although Jesus is the reason for the season, giving gifts to others is something I enjoy. I love seeing people light up over the gifts I give them makes me happy. Since Christmas is right around the corner, I have decided to blog about gift ideas if you still need to buy gifts. I have created to list of what I found from least expensive to most expensive, although some items on this list can be higher or lower on the website.         First, I would like to suggest Pura Vida bracelets and rings. Pura Vida started selling bracelets but now sells shirts, backpacks, and more. Single bracelets start at $7.50, mini backpacks start at $38, and shirts start at $24. Since I am an ambassador, I have a discount code you can use today for your purchase. Use this link to go to the we

Thanksgiving and Finishing The Semester Strong - Haley Owens

      Howdy, everyone!  Today, I will share my thanksgiving week and my final two weeks in school. From having time to rest to working a job and going back to school, the past few weeks have been packed. Here is what went down, and how God has worked in my life.      Thanksgiving break was both restful and busy. I was blessed to be out of school for the week and was able to do what I wanted to do and rest, as well as work. During my days off I would spend time with my family or have time for myself. My time alone either looked like going somewhere I wanted, like a country drive, or resting at home.  Something fun I did this week was going to a museum, which is always an enjoyable experience for me.  Doing all of this helped me refresh before I went back to school. Working during the break was also a good experience for me.  I have worked in retail before, making going back to retail easy for me. Working retail during this window of time also allowed me to earn money, which is a plus fo