The Reason For The Season - A Savior is Born

     Howdy, everyone! As you probably know from my previous blogs, I am a Christian. God is the center of my life. I am ecstatic about Christmas day, and that is because it is the birth of Jesus Christ. For this blog, I will be retelling the birth of Jesus. The passage I will be telling you the story from is Luke 1 and 2. Anyway, let's jump into the real reason for the holiday.

     The first part of the story shares the foretelling of John the Baptist's birth. John's parents are Elizabeth and Zechariah. Zechariah, a priest, was told by an angel named Gabriel, that Elizabeth had conceived a child. At first, he doubted the angel, because both he and Elizabeth were old. Then, the angel, Gabriel, commanded Zechariah to be silent because of his disbelief. Then, the angel left. After Zechariah came out of the temple, everyone inside the temple wondered why he did not speak. Then, the people in the temple realized he had a vision. Some time passed, and Elizabeth discovered that she was five months pregnant.

     Next, Gabriel told a virgin named Mary that she was pregnant with Jesus. Mary pledged to be married to Joseph at the time. At first, when Mary was greeted by the angel, she was afraid. Gabriel told her not to be afraid, that Mary had conceived a baby, and to name him Jesus. Mary, like Elizabeth, was skeptical of her pregnancy because she was a virgin. In response, Gabriel explained that the Holy Spirit will come on her, and the power of the Highest is overshadowing her. After finding out, she went to Elizabeth's house. When Elizabeth heard Mary's voice, her baby leaped inside her womb. Elizabeth knew Mary conceived the savior of the world, because John, her baby, jumped for joy.

     Lastly, Mary visited Elizabeth, Caesar Augustus told everyone a census needed to take place. Augustus asked everyone to go where their family originated from, and that is what Mary and Joseph did. Mary and Joseph made it to Bethlehem, where Mary gave birth to Jesus. She wrapped him up in cloth and placed him in a manger. That night, an angel appeared to shepherds and told them about the birth of Jesus. After hearing this, they went to visit Jesus.

     Jesus' birth is the reason for the season. I hope you learned something from my blog about the reason for the season. Thank you for reading!


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