New Year, New Goals! My two new goals for the 2023 year.

     Howdy, everyone! For today's blog, I will be sharing my goals for the new year. Although I can set goals at any time of the year, I wanted to start this year differently. There are some things I need to work on so I can be a better version of myself. With that being said, here are my goals for the new year.
     My first goal is to come closer to God. God is the Lord of my life. He has done so much for me, and I love Him. One way I want to grow closer to God is by learning how to trust Him more. I am not perfect in trust, so I would like to learn how to come closer by trusting Him more. Another way I would like to come closer to God is by learning scripture. Doing this will help me come closer to God by allowing me to know Him better, and helping me trust in Him more.
     Goal number two for this year is to have less stress about school. I have always been on top of my grades, which is not a bad thing, but I can also become too bogged down in school. Being too bogged down with school is not healthy, and can lead to health problems down the road. Since being in the school of education, I learned about two types of anxieties: facilitating and debilitating. Facilitating anxiety is motivating anxiety, and assists with getting work done. Debilitating anxiety is the extreme type of anxiety that causes fear and excessive anxiety in a person. My goal is to have to facilitate anxiety, so I can work well.
     That is all for today's blog. I know this one was short, but I do not have much to write today. Thank you all for reading, I hope you all have a nice one. Happy new year!


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