Thanksgiving and Finishing The Semester Strong - Haley Owens

      Howdy, everyone!  Today, I will share my thanksgiving week and my final two weeks in school. From having time to rest to working a job and going back to school, the past few weeks have been packed. Here is what went down, and how God has worked in my life.

     Thanksgiving break was both restful and busy. I was blessed to be out of school for the week and was able to do what I wanted to do and rest, as well as work. During my days off I would spend time with my family or have time for myself. My time alone either looked like going somewhere I wanted, like a country drive, or resting at home.  Something fun I did this week was going to a museum, which is always an enjoyable experience for me.  Doing all of this helped me refresh before I went back to school. Working during the break was also a good experience for me.  I have worked in retail before, making going back to retail easy for me. Working retail during this window of time also allowed me to earn money, which is a plus for me.

     Going back to school was challenging.  I was still in a separate room due to bug issues in my dorm, and it seemed that nobody was on top of the situation other than me. Every week I was making calls to make sure my dorm was fumigated that week. When I would ask when I can move back, nobody seemed to have an answer despite the original answer of only three weeks. Eventually, I got a call the week I got back from break letting me know I can move back in. I was joyful that I was able to go back to my dorm.  The week after moving back to my dorm, finals started. In total, I had five finals, and they were not hard at all (all that studying paid off). Now that the semester is done I do not need to worry about turning in assignments. Although I do not need to worry about assignments, I am still choosing to work on studying for my education certification exams.

     Although I have had a lot going on these past few weeks, I have seen how God has worked in my life. God has provided for me in making sure all bugs in my dorm are gone and being able to finish my finals with ease. 

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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