I CHANGED MY MAJOR! - What the Lord Has Taught Me About Change

    Over the past two years the Lord has guided me through some tough changes in my life.  There have made several changes in my life that have positively affected me this year.  Two of these changes include: transferring to a different college, and changing my major.  Although at times I have felt overwhelmed, I have overcome because the Lord has helped me.

    Before going to college, I prayed about going to college. Being at peace with it, I prayed about where to go, and I was called to stay home for the first year or two. Originally, I went to college as a film major wanting to produce Christian films. Film was also something I enjoyed (and still do) because it was a creative outlet for me. Editing films is like putting the pieces of a film together is like putting a puzzle together, and I believed it was something I could do for the rest of my life.  During my second semester during my freshman year of college I took a film class, and I really enjoyed it.  I was ecstatic about my future going into Christian film production.

    Then COVID-19 hit home.  Being stuck at home and at my desk constantly led me to the realization I did not want to do film anymore.  As much as I like to sit down and work, I also liked to be moving around, because God built me this way. This was the moment film was not in God's plan for my life.  I cried out to the Lord, asking Him what He wanted for my life. During this time I was upset that I did not do God's will for my life, and started to become anxious about a lot of things. As time went by, and I continued to pray, I was still at peace about going to college but was still unsure on what God wanted for my life. I continued talking to God about what the plan is, and He began to show me things that led me to education.  Through my local community college I started receiving emails about transferring with an associate of education degree when a little bit of peace finally hit me. Wanting to be sure this was what God intends for me to do, I continued praying about my change of major. As the same emails continued to come in about entering the education program I started to have more peace when reading these emails - that's when I knew God was moving.  A few days later I singed up for a conference through my college to view different universities school of education.  After the conference I was totally at peace with the information given and decided to change my major.

    Next, after changing my major I needed to decide what university I would transfer to. As long as I can remember I wanted to receive a Christian education (don't worry, I prayed I would get in to one and be at peace with it). There were several options on where I could go, and I narrowed down my options. I prayed about which one I should go to and God led me to a university in the state where I live. I applied to the university and was accepted quick.

    Now that I am at the university I have to say that God has truly provided for me over the last two years. What God has taught me is to trust in Him full and let him work in my life. Changing my major was not easy but God led me to make the best decision possible for me. What helped me during this time are Jeremiah 29:11-12 and Proverbs 3:5. God bless!!

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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