IT'S TIME! What I Learned About Moving to College!


    It's that time of year again! As summer wraps up and school starts, I decided that I would like to share what the Lord has taught me about moving from one place to another. Out of all the years I have lived, I only moved a few times growing up, but only when I was really young. It has been quite the experience figuring out how to move efficiently. Since starting college and moving home for the summer, this is what I learned about moving to and from college.

    One of the first things I learned about moving away is that it is bittersweet. All my life I lived with my family and leaving them was challenging. I remember the first night crying myself to sleep, because I missed the people who were so close to me. On a sweet note going into college would be the experience of a lifetime that would shape me in many ways. God has been so gracious in guiding me to grow in my faith, and receive an education at a Christ-centered university. During my first year away I made many new friends. This helped my university feel more homey.

     Second on the list of things I learned about moving is what is sent to me, must come home with me. Before moving to college, I was given advice on not overpacking. This was because I would have to bring a lot back home. I failed to think about not having a lot sent to me and not purchase a lot of items. Over two semesters I had a lot sent to me, and I also bought some stuff along the way. At the end of the school year, everything had to be brought home. I have learned a lesson, and from now on, I will pack what I need.

    GET BINS!! Ditch using many boxes and suitcases. Instead, buy bins to pack, only use boxes and suitcases when necessary. When going to school for the first time, my family helped me pack, and of course, we used many suitcases and boxes. Packing was also made simple with the help of my parents. Coming back home, I had to figure out most of the packing myself. Due to having one experience moving, I remember I struggled. One of the things I regret not doing is labeling boxes correctly. Plus, sometimes boxes may not be super durable at the bottom. Since having bins, life has been made simple. The bins I use are more durable, and I labeled everything this time around.

    Lastly, I learned to have fun! Moving can be challenging, but have fun doing it. I do not know what God has for me, so I may move a few times in my life. God may also have me move many times. Overall, I learned to enjoy the ride.

  Over the past year, I have learned so much about moving. It has been a wonderful learning experience for me, and I would not change it for the world. I hope you are also able to learn from this blog as well. Until next time. God bless!!

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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