Learning In My Twenties: Three Things God Has Taught Me This Year!!

    Howdy, howdy! For today's blog, I will talk about what God has taught me this year. This year has been crazy and exciting at the same time. One of the significant changes that occurred this year is going away to college. It has been a blessing because I have grown closer to God through this experience. Feel free to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment. Let's get started!!

    First, God taught me this year is patience. I tend not to be the most patient with myself, especially with academics. Since I started college, my grades have been outstanding, unlike in high school, where I was average. Once I discovered I can do better academically, I pushed myself to do well in all areas, and I have gone as far as staying up all night working on assignments. I know what some may think, "PROCRASTINATOR," but that is not true. Staying ahead of the ball game is what I do best. The moment I realized stressing about grades had to come to an end was during the fall semester. I had stayed up "catching up" (in all honesty, I was getting ahead) and ended up with a migraine. After the migraine, I prayed that God would help me get through the semester with ease, and that is what He did.

    Second, God has taught me to be more dependent on Him. At age 13, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior, and since I have learned to be more dependent on God. I have had my ups and downs, but in the end, God has always been there for me. This year, I went to college away from home for the first time, which was a HUGE adjustment. I left my hometown and started fresh at the university after doing two years of community college. All the change was overwhelming for me at first. Fortunately, I attend a Christian university, and I was able to receive the spiritual help I needed and wanted to grow my relationship with the Lord, and learn how to be more dependent on God in a new setting.

   Third, God has taught me how to breathe. With starting at a new school, trying to make new friends, workout, and live more independently my stress levels were higher. I did not want to be overwhelmed anymore, so I decided to receive Christian counseling offered for free at my school. Once I started attending, I learned new things about myself and how to allow myself to breathe with all the changes I was experiencing. Allowing myself to take breaks and learning new breathing techniques for when I was stressed really helped me finish the year strong. Because of God and what He did in my life, at the end of the school year I ended with a 3.56 GPA and am able to keep all of my scholarships.

    God has shown me so much this year, and I am super thankful. Learning patience, being more dependent on God, and learning how to breathe has not been easy, but God guided me through each. Thank you for tuning in to my blog God bless!!

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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