Skin Care: My Beauty Go-To Products


    Howdy, howdy! Today I am going to talk about my favorite beauty products. Honestly, this will be a relatively short blog because I do not wear a lot of makeup (just beauty products), and I have a few that I use regularly. I like the products I use because my skin type is semi-sensitive to sensitive. Some of these products are relevantly new to me, but some have been my go-to products for a while.

  My first favorite is The Ordinary's Hydraulic Acid. Over the past two semesters, I have been under more stress due to being in a new environment. My face has experienced the worst, from acne to dry skin. The Ordinary's product has helped hydrate and replenishes my skin for the last two semesters. Product number two is Mario Baescu's Facial Spray. I use moisturizer and The Ordinary's Hydraulic Acid daily, but this product has helped keep my face hydrated throughout the day. Generally, I do not wear makeup, so I have no worries about my makeup smearing. Badescu's spray smells amazing as well. The third product on my list is Pacifica's Acne Defense Facial Wash. This product has done wonders for my skin over the last few months. Pacifica's facial wash has helped erase the smallest pimple to areas with many pimples. Fourth, I like Burt's Bees makeup removers. These products take my makeup off well when I use them and are not too rough on my skin (which works well with my skin type). The final product is the Ordinary's Caffeine 5% Serum. Recently I started using this product because my undereye was puffy. This has helped with any puffy look and feel under my eyes, as well as keeping my eyes feeling more awake throughout the day.

    Overall, these products have helped save my skin in the worst of times. I would recommend these products to anyone with semi-sensitive to sensitive skin. Thank you all for reading! Please feel to subscribe. God bless!

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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