Two Weeks Down! A Week in Life At University, and Reflecting on the Past Year.

    Howdy, howdy! I have been at college for the last two weeks. God has given me an amazing first week with attending church, completing assignments, seeing my friends, and working jobs. For this blog, I am going to reflect on what God has done in the past year. He has done so much in my life that I cannot wait to share. I will also be sharing a little bit of how the past two weeks of gone.

    When I first came to my college town I needed to find a church home. The church I attend now is the first one I visited. Before visiting, I prayed about what church home God would want me to be at, and this church immediately became home. The pastor is great, the doctrine is sound, and is where I found my first job in the community. I absolutely love my church home. A year later I still attend the same church and have the same job. What God has taught me through finding a church home is to trust Him in knowing which church to make home.

    During the past two weeks I have been super productive. Week one started off with twelve assignments, and ended with four. What I finished was not hard (thankfully) just lengthy. Before starting every assignment I prayed that God would help me complete each task with ease. By Saturday I completed eight assignments, but I was exhausted. I set some time aside on Sunday to recharge for the upcoming week. Week two was just as busy, but I did not feel as exhausted. I prayed that I would have the energy to complete my assignments. God provided for me again this week.

    Seeing my friends has been an exciting experience this week. All summer I have kept contact, but nothing compares to seeing them in person. I have enjoyed listening to them share about their summer, from jobs to vacations. Two of my closest friends have the best time together. We laugh, cry, and have the deepest conversations. They are honestly the best.

    Lastly, I would like to mention my two jobs. I work at my church and in the game room at my university. At my church I work with young children, which is the perfect job to have since I am an education major. The position in the game room is perfect for my major too. Since I have to supervise students for my career, being a game room supervisor is another good position to practice my skills.

    That's it for todays blog. I hope you enjoyed reading about how God has worked in my life over the past year. Feel free to subscribe to my blog, and check out my social media accounts. God bless!

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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