What A Wild Few Weeks! Moving, school slowing down, new job training, and coming home for Thanksgiving! - Life, Travel, Jesus.

      Howdy, everyone! Recently life has been hectic. Day in and day out has been filled with schoolwork, changing dorms, holding a job, onboarding a new job, and having self-care. I am glad this upcoming week is Thanksgiving week. Now I can rest, and enjoy what I enjoy doing most.

      About two weeks ago, my dorm started having some issues. My hall (where several dorms are) is one of the older buildings. Since it's an older building, it has some of the original features, like a payphone. Seeing the different features in my hall are super neat, and make me think about how people lived before my time. Living in an older building not only came with historical features, but came with some other issues. There are bug issues, the air conditioning does not work as well as the newer budlings, and other issues that come with an older building. A little over a week ago, there had been some bug issues. The issue became so prevalent that I had to move to an upstairs dorm. Moving had to be done the day maintenance would come in and solve the problem. Although moving upstairs was a lot of work, I am super thankful that I was able to move before the situation could be resolved. Another thing I am grateful for is my friends helping me move upstairs. I am praying this issue gets fixed in a few weeks so I can move back down with my suitemate.

     Since the dorm situation, my school load has been slowly declining (praise God). The week of the changing rooms I had a load of schoolwork, which included assignments and an exam. Last week, I had little to no schoolwork on my plate. The only assignments I have are projects I can work on from home, or assignments similar to what I have completed in other classes (like Lesson Plans). Since being home, I was able to attend training for a new job, finalizing lesson plans, relax, read more, and write for my blog. Having time to rest has been a good way for me to unwind before finals week. During this time, God has provided more time for me to relax more about school, focus on reading God more, and focus on what I need to do for the upcoming weeks.

       Despite all that has happened over the last few weeks, I am joyful that God has been bringing me through it, and I cannot wait to see what the upcoming weeks have in store for me. I am ready to relax and refresh my mind for the upcoming weeks with finals, projects, and assignments. Thank you for reading my blog, I hope y'all enjoyed! Hangloose, and God bless!

- Haley Owens

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


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