Five Things I Learned Before 23


    Howdy everyone! Over the past 23 years of my life, I learned a lot about God and about life, and I wanted to share these things with you. Here is my four item list of things I learned over the past 23 years.

1. God Over School

        This one has been a challenge for me. I want my grades to honor God; but this does not mean I should make my grades my Idol. Yes, letting my grades honor God is a good thing, but I should not let it consume me to where I do not trust in God. God will guide me throughout my college journey, and I should trust Him (Proverbs 3:5 and Jeremiah 29:11-12). 

2. Rest is Important

        Rest is so important. For us to function properly, we need rest. What rest can look like: taking a day off of school or work, having time for yourself, going to God for rest, and sleeping the necessary hours to be able to function. 

3. Patience

        As my mom always told me "Patience is a virtue, Haley." She is absolutely right. Patience can look like waiting on an answer from God or being patient with yourself. I understand it can be hard to maintain this, but as I have grown older, I have learned this more. 

4. Persistence

        In the seventh grade, I learned what persistence meant. This has helped me in so many ways. Changes I have seen due to persistence are higher grades, being hired for a job, and so much more. God has really helped me with persistence in my life; I would not be able to be here if He helped me stay consistent.

5. To Save

        My parents have always raised me to save. This has helped me afford living and make big purchases. Saving money is important, especially when you would like to live a good life not worrying about finances. Like my dad always told me: "Haley, save your money wisely. Do not buy unnecessary items. This will help you greatly in the future."

        Okay y'all, that's all for today's blog. I hope you enjoyed reading, or learned a thing or two from reading my blog. Until next time.


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