Summer Break Thus Far - Small Life Update!


        Howdy everyone! I am super excited to be on summer break. This break is much needed from this year. I wanted to share what I have been doing this far into summer. So far, my summer has been great. Before starting this blog, if you have not subscribed please feel free too. Since school is out, I will try to post every week. On the bottom of this blog is where I have my Linktree so everyone can follow me. Without further ado here is my summer so far.

        First, I am trying to have my photography book published. The photos I have taken are of nature and that have been taken over the past four years. Publishing a book is exciting for me, especially since I have always wanted to author and publish a book. I am super excited to publish.

        I will be taking a summer class, which is Texas Government. I am excited for this because I have had the professor before. The professor I have gives projects and has class discussions. Projects and discussions is how I learn best so I am excited to be in this class.

        After the summer class I will be going on vacation with my family. This is a great way for me to end the summer. I am super excited for more family time and resting time. Between now and then I am looking for a job this summer. I would prefer it to be part time, especially since I have a lot going on. 

        Hey everyone, that is all for today's life update. I know this blog was not super long, but I do not have much going on other than what I have shared with everyone. I hope everyone has a great summer.  I have posted my Linktree link below for you to see my socials. See y'all next time.



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