Writing a Book

    Howdy, everyone! Welcome back to my blog. I hope y’all are enjoying your summer. For this blog, I will share the publishing of my first book, Through God’s Lens, and what I learned during the experience. I have always wanted to author and publish a book. I’m so blessed to have done it now. 

How I Got Started
      I’ve always had a love for writing. Writing has always been one of my favorite ways to express myself creatively as well as my favorite way to express my knowledge in school. Through writing the content I learned, I was and continue to be able to retain what I learned quickly and easier. In middle school, I wrote an entire play with the hopes that it would one day publish. I am now writing the book for the play. The writing was my creative outlet in middle school and continues to be my favorite outlet to this day

Writing Today
      Writing is my favorite hobby too. Today, I have a blog and now a book on the market. This is exciting for me because I have always wanted to expand my writing avenues. Not only do I have a blog and book out, but I am writing a book based on the play I wrote in middle school. I also have a devotional book that I am writing as well. I am so excited to share these when they finally publish. 

Future Publications
     As I mentioned before, I am writing a book based on the play I wrote in middle school as well as a devotional book. Hopefully, I will be halfway done with both by the end of summer, especially the one I worked on in middle school.

     That is it for this blog, everyone. I am glad I can share with you my authorship story as well as future plans. I am also happy you came across my blog today. Thank you for reading! I hope you subscribe to my blog. The link to my book will be placed below.


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