I'M A SENIOR! Year Goals, Reflecting On My College Years, and Thoughts on Graduation - Life, Travel, and Jesus


        Howdy, y'all! I am ecstatic to write my blog. Why? Today, I am sharing my senior year goals and thoughts on graduation. These past (almost) five years in college have taught me about life and how to persevere. I cannot express just how grateful I am to have the college experience I have had. God has done many things in my life and has helped me through my journey. There is so much I am sharing today in my blog. So without further ado, here is my senior blog.

        First, let's talk about my goals for the year. My list is pretty short, but will bring me far in the long run. Here are my goals: to stress less and enjoy life. I am not saying I have not enjoyed my college experience over the past four years, but I have had a lot of stress during my studies. Continuing to seek the Lord during my senior year will help me achieve this goal. I want minimal stress, so I will go to God about healing the negativity in my life.

        Next, I want to share my thoughts on graduating college. I cannot wait to graduate with my degree in Social Studies Education. Going through the school system, I have always loved learning history. Going into a field I like and that God has set out for me fills me up. When I think about teaching, I am joyful. I cannot wait to have a positive impact on my future students, and be a light for God during my time in the classroom. There are a few districts I am looking at for teaching, including a few in my hometown. Although I have an idea of where to work, I will also go to the Lord about where I will teach. Where God needs me, I will be there. I always want to make an impact on the kingdom of God, so I will go where He wants me to go.

        Another note on graduating: I am not nervous about graduating. God has prepared me for this moment, and I will let God shine through me. As previously stated, I am here to honor God. I am fully confident He will guide me.

        My years in college have been good overall. I have shared some great memories with friends and have loved most of my college years. A few years that affected me were the COVID-19 years. I am a relational person and love to be around people. Yes, I did have my family, and I am so grateful for them, I really missed my hometown. This was also the time when I changed my major. Changing my major was hard because I was in classes I did not need to be in, and sometimes did not like due to having only online courses. It's not that I disliked the professor or class, online learning was not for me, and my community college kept things online as much as possible. At the university I attend, I have made so many new friends. My group of friends is the best. God has blessed me so much over the past three years with women who seek the Lord.

        Going from community college to the university was a hard transition. For most of my life, I did my school locally. Being away from the community I knew most was hours away. Although this was a difficult transition at first, I made it through and now am in my senior year. I have made a new community with my friends and am enjoying life to the fullest.     

        Y'all, I cannot believe I am here! God has helped me through my whole college experience as well as others surrounding me. When I leave, I am truly going to miss my community where I attend university. Although I am going to miss my university, I am happy that I am a senior (it's all bittersweet). Thank you for reading my blog. Stay tuned for more blogs!


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