
Showing posts from July, 2022

Skin Care: My Beauty Go-To Products

       Howdy, howdy! Today I am going to talk about my favorite beauty products. Honestly, this will be a relatively short blog because I do not wear a lot of makeup (just beauty products), and I have a few that I use regularly. I like the products I use because my skin type is semi-sensitive to sensitive. Some of these products are relevantly new to me, but some have been my go-to products for a while.    My first favorite is The Ordinary's Hydraulic Acid. Over the past two semesters, I have been under more stress due to being in a new environment. My face has experienced the worst, from acne to dry skin. The Ordinary's product has helped hydrate and replenishes my skin for the last two semesters. Product number two is Mario Baescu's Facial Spray. I use moisturizer and The Ordinary's Hydraulic Acid daily, but this product has helped keep my face hydrated throughout the day. Generally, I do not wear makeup, so I have no worries about my makeup smearing. Badescu's sp

IT'S TIME! What I Learned About Moving to College!

      It's that time of year again! As summer wraps up and school starts, I decided that I would like to share what the Lord has taught me about moving from one place to another. Out of all the years I have lived, I only moved a few times growing up, but only when I was really young. It has been quite the experience figuring out how to move efficiently. Since starting college and moving home for the summer, this is what I learned about moving to and from college.     One of the first things I learned about moving away is that it is bittersweet. All my life I lived with my family and leaving them was challenging. I remember the first night crying myself to sleep, because I missed the people who were so close to me. On a sweet note going into college would be the experience of a lifetime that would shape me in many ways. God has been so gracious in guiding me to grow in my faith, and receive an education at a Christ-centered university. During my first year away I made many new frien

Learning In My Twenties: Three Things God Has Taught Me This Year!!

     Howdy, howdy! For today's blog, I will talk about what God has taught me this year. This year has been crazy and exciting at the same time. One of the significant changes that occurred this year is going away to college. It has been a blessing because I have grown closer to God through this experience. Feel free to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment. Let's get started!!      First, God taught me this year is patience. I tend not to be the most patient with myself, especially with academics. Since I started college, my grades have been outstanding, unlike in high school, where I was average. Once I discovered I can do better academically, I pushed myself to do well in all areas, and I have gone as far as staying up all night working on assignments. I know what some may think, "PROCRASTINATOR," but that is not true. Staying ahead of the ball game is what I do best. The moment I realized stressing about grades had to come to an end was during the fall semester

I CHANGED MY MAJOR! - What the Lord Has Taught Me About Change

     Over the past two years the Lord has guided me through some tough changes in my life.  There have made several changes in my life that have positively affected me this year.  Two of these changes include: transferring to a different college, and changing my major.  Although at times I have felt overwhelmed, I have overcome because the Lord has helped me.     Before going to college, I prayed about going to college. Being at peace with it, I prayed about where to go, and I was called to stay home for the first year or two. Originally, I went to college as a film major wanting to produce Christian films. Film was also something I enjoyed (and still do) because it was a creative outlet for me. Editing films is like putting the pieces of a film together is like putting a puzzle together, and I believed it was something I could do for the rest of my life.  During my second semester during my freshman year of college I took a film class, and I really enjoyed it.  I was ecstatic about my

What They Don't Tell You Before Starting College - What I Wish I Knew Before Starting College

          Howdy, howdy! Before starting college, I wished I knew a few things that would have boosted me during my first three years of college. Not only have I benefitted from what I know now, but I know others will. The advice I will give goes to most people going into college.      A bit about me: I am a third-year college student and about to start my fourth year. I started at the community college near me for two years, and for the past year have gone to a university. During my two years at the community college, I switched my major from film to education. This has left me with an extra two years to tackle (which is cool because I love what I am doing now).         Do not have excessive amounts of stuff sent to you, AND do not overpack!  You may have heard other college students mention how they overpacked their first year away and had difficulty taking everything back. It's true! The more you pack, the more you will have to take home. I did not overpack, but I had things sent